Should You Trust Your Business to the $25 Case Study Writer?

I just saw an ad for a freelance case study/customer success story writer.  Applicants must have “impeccable english (sic) skills and flawless grammar” along with case study samples and experience in order to write 1200 word case studies.  And the pay for such an established writer?  $25 per case study.

Sadly, this ad will undoubtedly receive applicants who either a) are in desperate need of $25 and don’t mind spending numerous hours for what will end up being well below minimum wage per hour or b) are not committed to creating insightful, effective case studies, and are happy to score $25 for an hour’s (shabby) work.

Case studies are used to show your prospective clients how your product or service solved a current client’s problem.  Think about it– much of your marketing collateral is used to show what you COULD do.  Case studies are one of the few documents that say– hey, this is what we HAVE done, and have done well.

The Eccolo Media 2011 B2B Technology Collateral Survey Report asked U.S. business technology employees what types of marketing collateral influenced their decisions to purchase.  68% said case studies were influential or extremely influential in making that decision to buy.  Since case studies attract and persuade potential buyers, a well-crafted success story can bring in business.  On the other hand, a badly written one reflects negatively on the entire company.

Case studies vary in fees, depending on several factors including how technical the information is, whether the writer is just doing the interviewing and writing or  if she is also acting as a project manager and the time frame for completing the job.  Businesses should want case study writers who have, yes, impeccable English (with a capital E) skills, but also an understanding of your company’s business goals, an ability to showcase your product’s strengths while incorporating your marketing message in an engaging story.

And frankly, $25 won’t get you even close to that.

Want to know more about what a case study writer should do for you?  Email me at